Dear President Obama – I'M OUT!!! # Powered by Twitter Tools
Author: Soapbox Leslie
Twitter Rants for 2011-06-28
It seemed like it was just yesterday that you could by ground beef for 99 cents a pound – now […]
Twitter Rants for 2011-06-26
Watched a car back out with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker. I wanted to yell at the driver "Seriously, are […]
Twitter Rants for 2011-06-24
I LIKE what I'm hearing from Presidential candidate Gary Johnson – he's a #FairTax man and opposes the "war" on […]
Twitter Rants for 2011-06-23
@sowbug 2011 the year that #bandwidth caps from #ATT #Uverse and others kill the cloud. # "Obama speech: Now we […]