- The ousting of Pelosi will help take a chunk of the deficit – no more $18K a month office – no more private jet on the American people's tab #
- "A second chance for Republicans" – time to put your words into true actions – no more lies, no more cheating, be accountable!!! #
- Congratulations to @AllenWest2010 – please be accountable for your actions. #
- Obama mentioned the 1099 burden on small businesses that health care bill will cause, I've been screaming about it too – now FIX IT!!! #
- @ClaystationX Was glad to see that Obama acknowledged today that there are parts of the Health Care bill that are small business UNFRIENDLY in reply to ClaystationX #
- I'm not opposed to reforming health care, but there are so many gotchas in the health care bill that are not directly related to health care #
- @ClaystationX You know about the 1099 portion of the health care bill? in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX and where are all the infrastructure jobs the stimulus packages where supposed to create? in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX and the tax "break" we got…less being withheld but the tax liability was not reduced. You still owe the same amount. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX I want accountability, I don't care what "party" you are from, you need to be held accountable. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX you get to keep it until tax time, your liability was not reduced, just the amount being withheld. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX we continue to send politicians to DC on promises made, they get to DC and the political machine eats them up. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX cool. I think I have seen one project in our area. We have such poor roads & crumbling bridges here, makes me wonder where … in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX the money we pay into taxes is going to, let alone the stimulus money. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX and Ford was able to turn a profit without government help. Why couldn't GM do it? in reply to ClaystationX #
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