- Andy Griffin has bought into it hook, line & sinker. #
- 3 MILLION DOLLARS spent on that Andy Griffin Medicare ad?!? WTH?!? #
- And it continues, it will only get worse: Citing Health Care Law, Boeing Pares Employee Plan – ABC News http://t.co/7493jjI #
- So if a big company like Boeing is having issues with health care costs? What will happen to the little guys?!? #
- @ClaystationX we have a public option already – it's called Medicare/Medicaid – Dems wanted to ram something through to show support for O in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX I've gone rounds about the Canadian system, I've heard good & bad about it from Canadians. The bad seems to be waiting times. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX I'd like to see everyone be able to pay less for what they have, making it more affordable for everyone. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX I think part of that problem is a doctor shortage. We need more doctors. My family care doctor stopped practicing. in reply to ClaystationX #
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