- This #HCR is not true health care reform. Those of you who believe it is are only fooling yourselves. Please RT to those who believe it is. #
- RT@brajit: Thanks to the blindness of our govt, we're now royally screwed because of health care reform. I need to find a new country. #
- @markos check again in a few months – "Weird. America is still standing" – I thought finding a job was hard before this… #
- @ClaystationX Check back in a few months, when your taxes go up and your ins premiums do too. or the IRS is after you to pay up in reply to ClaystationX #
- Yes, you can screw this country like no one else ever has RT @ClaystationX: RT @BarackObama: Yes we can. #
- @burnman yup! And LESS of it. in reply to burnman #
- @EliteTravelGal May I ask who is going to pay for this? Nice thing about being unemployed, it won't come out of my pocket. in reply to EliteTravelGal #
- @ClaystationX be prepared for your premiums to go up. Don't get me wrong we need health care reform, but not at the barrel of a gun. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX not me, and not most of the people I know. I'm still waiting for all these jobs that were promised – #unemployed in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX "Gun of a barrel" is in reference to the IRS becoming the enforcers to those who must now be forced to purchase health ins in reply to ClaystationX #
- Now I cry, for the country I love is being destroyed from within. #
- @ClaystationX so how do I afford to buy health insurance if I am unemployed? in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX what if I don't own a car? I don't have to buy car insurance. in reply to ClaystationX #
- To be "fair & balanced" – I'm listening to MSNBC today. #
- @ClaystationX I've actually been listening to MSNBC. I have been a victim of govt health care, I don't want to go there again. in reply to ClaystationX #
- Congress has thumbed it's nose at the American people. #
- @ClaystationX I understand all of that, my daughter is Type 1 diabetic. Her monthly meds are through the roof. Why not work to lower costs? in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX why must we always expect the govt to take care of us? in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX but you do pay taxes to be covered…I agree there are Constitutionally outlined things that government should help with. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX thanks for the link. Doesn't give me much incentive to try & find a job… in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX Insurance companies AND lawyers – how about tort reform? How about "loser pays" system? So many things we could demand be done in reply to ClaystationX #
- To my #tcot friends, help. My spirit is waning and I know the road is still long. #
- @ClaystationX For the past 10 yrs I've worked my a$$ off 14-16 hrs a day. 2 yrs ago, I got my dream job. Success was rewarded w/higher taxes in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX 2 yrs years later, the economy taketh away all my dreams. Under #HCR I'll get "rewarded" for making less with tax credits. in reply to ClaystationX #
- CIGNA CEO says costs and PREMIUMS will go up. … hmmmm, but we were told they would go down? #tcot #hcr #
- @ClaystationX probably just the mood I'm in. I just don't see the economy getting any better and it's pretty damn depressing. #
- @ClaystationX a soup kitchen won't judge… #
- Lies and deception got us to where we are today… #
- The honor of all those who have served and lost their lives defending this country have been dishonored. #
- @smc_2101 it's the lie and deception since the New Deal #tcot in reply to smc_2101 #
- @ClaystationX Texas has been on my list of possible places to relocate but for more reasons that work. LOL, wanna talk secession? in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX LOL, sorry I didn't help your day go by faster. Tomorrow will be better – it's free pastry day @Starbucks 🙂 in reply to ClaystationX #
- @smc_2101 I'd just like a lot less govt interference in my life, please. I'm willing to pay my FAIR share of taxes & volunteer my time. in reply to smc_2101 #
- @ClaystationX ohhhh, I can relate to that. I would love to move to San Diego if we could afford it…but Cali has issues of it's own. in reply to ClaystationX #
- @ClaystationX I'm thinking the Mexicans have already invaded…but that's another story. in reply to ClaystationX #
- I feel like I'm banging my head up against a wall, just because I think some parts of this bill are good… cont #
- doesn't mean I think government should ram it down our throats…. #
- Second hand smoke at the beach? Smokers, if you would have just been more considerate of those around you: http://shar.es/mfFxR #
- Time to step away. It's been an interesting day interacting with the "other" point of view. I still oppose big government #tcot #
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