I was sent an email that at first I thought was a hoax. How could our own government want us to turn our own neighbor in for saying something contrary to the party line? My God, did I fall asleep and wake up in Nazi Germany? So, I jumped on Snopes.com, nothing there. Later on in the day, sure enough the right-wing radical news was talking about it. I pinched myself wanting to wake up from this nightmare. I am in total disbelief , the same people that opposed how Bush handled things in his administration are now wanting people to turn in their friends and neighbors for saying something contrary to what the President wants disseminated. From the freaking WHITE HOUSE BLOG: www.whitehouse.gov Facts Are Stubborn Things

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.

Now I hear Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) saying “Protesters too well dressed to be sincere”. I take this as one more slam at my own personal success. I have worked hard to achieve. What a slam on anyone who has achieved anything through hard work!

Diversion my ass, remember this is the same “woman” (I have a head full of names I’d like to call her, but…) that jumped the General for calling her maam. Hey Barbara, you look a little overdressed too? You hypocrite!

Wake up America, you freedoms are being ripped from you as I type!

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