I found myself drawn into a “debate” on a friend’s Facebook page. I keep telling myself to use my blog to discuss my views and beliefs, comments have always been welcome as long as they remain civil. But there I was. It was an interesting “conversation” about rights. My friend commented that he is “Sick of religion and politics. Why must my rights be dictated by the bible? Moby Dick is just about as relevant to my life as the bible.”
The comment struck me as a little ironic because there is some biblical allegory in Moby Dick. Then I read the comment about why “our ancestors” left “England to escape religion in the first place.” That sort of put the fire under me, because the Pilgrims left England to escape being forced into a single state religion, not to escape religion and become a “secular society”. They wanted the freedom to worship God as they saw fit.
Another comment (that I would like to quote in it’s entirety):
“It’s my thought that historically, the “government” is who created religion – to keep people in line – to create order with the masses – to become followers – not question authority – and thus become Sheep!”
It immediately made me think of another quote
Religion is the opiate of the people – Karl Marx
I found myself wondering if the commentators understood the principles this country was founded on and the responses I got did show they understood many of the negative sides of our past. Slavery has been an issue since the beginning of mankind, it doesn’t make it right, but it’s not just a recent thing either. But I was also concerned how some people can take current day entertainment as “truth”.
My husband constantly reminds me that people are inherently evil, while I still try to find the good in each person. It seems that our laws, rules and regulations have been written to “protect” us from those who have forgotten the ethic of reciprocity, oh but excuse me, the idea of treating others like you would like to be treated is a biblical precept. I suppose that’s why we have a bunch of cretins running over the hoods of cars in our local theater parking lot.
My original point that I am in favor of smaller, less intrusive government was completely missed. Just as there are those who seem to think that attending a TEA party indicates that you don’t want to pay taxes. As I have previously stated, I am more than willing to pay my “fair” share.
I’m sorry if the “rights” of my gay friends is not a topic that is at the head of my issues list. We have a country that is going to hell in a handbasket. We the People have been saddled with TRILLIONS of dollars in debt that our children’s children will suffer from. We need to find ways to reduce the cost of health care and make it affordable for EVERYONE, but forcing socialized medicine on us is not the way. Start looking at the ambulance chasing lawyers with their frivolous lawsuits. What part of HOT coffee did you not understand? Good doctors are being put under by the costs of malpractice insurance alone.
We have been forced at gunpoint to pay into systems that have been bankrupt for years and never should have remained in place. We have unions fighting for pension plans (that jack the prices of cars up) while military retirees, who served to protect and define you, are watching their benefits being eroded day by day.
As far as the insurance plan I am covered under, did the federal government force them to extend the coverage of all unmarried children to age 25? Seems someone understood how difficult it is for young adults starting out to afford health insurance. No one forced them to do that, the insurance company offered it. We had a choice between single or family coverage.
Since this is my soapbox and I’m on it again instead of on a friend’s Facebook page, what happen to my “right” to pray in school? Or to call Christmas – Christmas? Why are you so offended by it? We have run amuck in “political correctness”. You want me to respect your rights? Respect mine. And talk about your double standards – it’s okay for black people to say something that this redneck cracker can’t? I have always believed in leading by example, if you want “that” word gone, then stop using it yourself.
A couple more things and then I’m outta here (I do have to work for a living).
The move to Texas comment – Texas is considering seceding. I’m sure that will start a new round of debate. My favorite comment being about embargo – don’t forget where a number of the oil refineries are at. Oh good grief, if you all weren’t such a bunch of whining tree huggers, we would have had cheaper gas years ago.
I am not an anarchist , I just want a smaller more fiscally responsible government. I’m not against paying taxes, I want everyone including the illegal immigrants in my town to pay taxes. And making the illegals, legal is not the answer, it’s a slap in the face of everyone who worked hard to become a citizen.
I suppose you would freak out if I told you I think marijuana should be legalized and I don’t even smoke the stuff.