All right boys and girls today’s history lesson is obviously something you government educated slugs didn’t have in your curriculum – FDR’s New Deal – it where many of the “short term” (that means temporary) fixes were enacted to try and bring this country out of the Depression.
The New Deal came in two parts, the first part implemented banking reform laws, emergency relief programs, work relief programs, agricultural programs, and industrial reform (the National Recovery Administration, NRA), and the end of the gold standard and Prohibition. So maybe we need more banking reform laws to fix banks? I see the phrase “work relief” – I wonder if that was supposed to mean sit on your ass, pop a bunch of illegitimate kids out and expect the government to support you? Was coming off the gold standard really the right thing to do?
The second part of the New Deal brought us the likes of the Social Security System, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Fannie Mae among other things. What’s wrong with that picture? Let’s see, broke, inmates running the prison, and broke.
Okay, those are just the high points, you’ve got Google, Wikipedia and the public library, go educate yourself. You will probably find that most economists believed the New Deal delayed economic recovery and you want MORE of the same? Unfortunately, the only thing that pulled this country out of the Depression was the second World War and it’s war machine. I’m not advocating war, far from it. Ramming more government regulations down businesses throats will only stifle them, not create more jobs.
Welcome to the USSA, you are about to get exactly what you wanted, change…
On a side note, I heard an interesting suggestion on these converter boxes for Digital TV transition, why not ask people who can afford to buy a box (but may not need one) but it and donate it to someone who needs it. Why can’t we help our neighbors out? Why do are so many people hell bent on becoming communists?