The agents of “change” have spoken. I still believe that it was more of a “pretty face, feel good” election. I am sure over the next days and months I will be called a racist. Those who feel they are entitled will inflate that attitude. I wonder how long it will be before I lose the right to blog how I feel? I wonder how long it will be before I can no long watch FoxNews, listen to Rick & Bubba every morning, or read Neal Boortz? How do I console someone who feels everything his grandfather fought for has been lost with this election?

I have two years to find other like voices, two years to educate, two years to watch, in fear, what direction the country I love heads towards. I pray that I am wrong about how I feel.

Welcome to the U.S.S.A.

1 thought on “The Agents of Change Have Spoken

  1. I totally agree. I was talking with my husband about it earlier. We’re racist because we didn’t vote for him, because I guess the only reason we wouldn’t vote for him is his color, and yet a very large majority of the votes he got were because of his color, not in spite of it. But we’re the racist ones. I, like you, greatly fear what he is going to do to this country and how many civil liberties we are going to lose. Are we going to be able, in 4 years to still call this the “Home of the free?”


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